Chapter 14 is available!

Chapter 14, Achicng For Someone Sweet is now available!

In this chapter, Dawn realizes there might not be anywhere in the universe they truly belong. What are they going to do about this? You'll have to find out by reading!

hope y'all enjoy this one, sorry it took a while!

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Seriously man i hold off to re read it took me like 1 day and than i read chapter 14 today  i wanted to wait for chapter 15 bc i knew somthing was up, you droped a Cliffhanger which is totally fine juzt ugh big belly really why your such a tease droped that last part with no following part 🥲

Al in al you need more faith in your talent to share such a story with so much detail and to create all these characters thats a gift im sure your gona get more readers😝

Yea im one of your best readers so just keep on moving forward your doing great want know whats gonna hapen next bc these last chapter was full of action and sifi and complicated relationship situations in other words drama 🤣 .

You got me hooked down sinker i really like your storry its lit 🔥✌️. 

Yea love your silly outros with that funny art and more belly's 🤭🤗

At last but not least Happy late birthday i hope it was a great day 🔥


🤣😝 Have a great day!!!!!!🔥

I'm happy you're still enjoying it :3 and thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm already partying a lot this month :P


Oh. My. Gosh.

Lesedi and Tara... Hope they get thru dis ;-;

Rooting 4 em

Hope Eclipse's heart heals and Huxely...

U had me in the first part ngl But I was not expecting the end. belly GOSH.

Darlow and Dawn. Loved the hug oh ma gawd so sweet. Man how can u write such gentle hunks (so much comforting in this update all around <3. Love how real u make each character)



U just keep finding new ways for me to make new reactions. Imagine the HOOH sound (from kill him wackus bonkus meme) followed by hohohoho (owl style). I was not expecting that ending and very surprised as u can tell from the reaction

(ur killin me ;-;)

And then u put BYD in outro. Hope many come see this absolute work of ART (they better~)

Love how u always put ur thoughts in as u go thru developlent in every outro. I absolutely love how I can feel your passion

Hope many more come see what HFTL is here 2 tell and show all the silly in ur outros.

Also that last pic made me loudly HOOH. Almost spit out mah food.

Also wishing you a very relaxing and fun Birthday. Gods u deserve it with the amount of passion and hard work u put in all ur work <3

So again, Happy birthday to you Arcadia, you silly dragon She-Dad u~

We'll all wait till you finish the next update, so no need 2 rush and take ur time. Dont drown urself in work. We want this dragon in tip top shape~

All the hugs~

uwu thank you again for the kind words hehe. yes this was a very hurt/comfort flavored chapter haha. Nothing better than a nice round belly for your woes.